Towns County, GA Places to Play
Please Read The COVID-19 Guidelines Below Before Playing At The Outdoor Towns Co. Pickleball Complex And Towns County Rec. Center
Towns County Pickleball Complex (800 US Hwy 76, Hiawassee, GA 30546)
14 Outdoor Courts Map
Towns County New Rec. Center (150 Foster Park Rd, Young Harris, GA 30582)
3 Indoor Courts Map
**Note: When outdoor conditions do not allow for outdoor play, we have daily access from 10:00am - 2:00 pm Monday-Saturday. The only exception to this is if it the 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month the beginner/novice clinic will have access to the indoor courts from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Open play will be from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Nets have to be checked out at the front desk and we are assigned to Court B which accommodates 3 courts.
Suggested COVID-19 Guidelines for Playing at the Towns County Pickleball Complex
Pickleball play at the Towns Co. outdoor facility and Towns County Rec. Center is strictly on a PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK basis.
Always follow CDC guidelines during this pandemic.
Failure to comply with the rules of the Towns County Rec. Department could result in the closure of the pickleball complex and/or Towns County Old Rec. Center, or an action taken against any player(s) per the county’s ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. The county reserves the right at any time to close the complex if the guidelines are being abused or a health risk occurs, either caused by a player/players action or from some other cause.
It is highly recommended that you wear a face mask and a glove on your non-playing hand.
Only four players are allowed on a court. Practice social distancing as best you can. Social distancing means stay 6’ from others and keep in mind that you are playing at your own risk.
Don’t come to the courts not feeling well or with fever.
Carry hand sanitizer or other disinfectant and use often before and after you touch anything.
Disinfect your HANDS, the BALLS, and PADDLES BEFORE and AFTER each game.
Do not touch your face or your mask without sanitizing your hand first.
Try to refrain from blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing while on the courts. If you do sneeze, cover your nose/mouth with your elbow.
Practice social distancing while engaged, waiting or observing play in and around court area.
The Porta Potty is NOT sanitized, so if you use it you are using it at your own risk.
Bring your own chair and don’t share seating either with your own chair or with the on-court chairs or benches.
Please, no handshakes, paddle bumps or physical contact between players.
Wearing a glove on your non paddle hand is optional, but, recommended.
Don’t pick up any wayward balls from any other court. Either kick them back or nudge them back with your paddle.
Put your clothes in the washer when you get home. Disinfect your shoes, paddles and anything else you took to the courts. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after this disinfecting.
If you do get sick and recover, don’t come back until 14 days have passed since the onset of symptoms.
If someone in your house is sick with COVID-19-like symptoms, stop going to ALL activities for 11-14 days.